Tall girls react to ‘Tall Girl’


Lea Lopez

This doorway can barely handle senior Emma Condit 5’11”.

“Tall Girl,” a Netflix Original that came out on September 13, is about a tall girl named Jodie, played by Ava Michelle, who stands at 6’1″ and struggles with living a normal teenage life because of her height. 

The movie focuses on teen girl insecurity. Jodie struggles to make connections with many of her classmates, specifically boys. The plot surrounds her attempts to maintain relationships with both her friends and love interests, which is a relatable and legitimate high school issue that resonated with many Tologs. But, the Hill’s own “tall girls” had their own opinions of the movie, and thought that the film’s tall girl issues were, for the most part, inaccurately portrayed and first-world-problem-y.

“There are bigger issues [than height] to focus on,” Emma Condit 5′ 11″ said. 

“I think that the movie only focused on the negatives. [Jodie] has a lot more blessings than a lot of people,” Ferryn Drake 5′ 11″ (rounded up) said. “She comes from a family that has money — enough money to buy her specially made pants and Nikes.”

In the movie, Jodie wears men’s size-13 Nikes. Campbell Buffington 5’11” appreciates that tall girl issues have made it into a movie. 

“Finding dresses and jeans that are long enough is pretty difficult,” Buffington said. 

Campus Minister Abby Davitt 6’0″ thinks the main character should have had more to her than just height.

“The character development was all about her being tall. I wanted to learn more about her,” Davitt said. 

The movie presents Jodie’s eye-catching height as a challenge. Many tall Tologs, however, seem to think that being tall is advantageous.

“I get to stand out. It benefits me athletically and I can use it to my advantage,” Ella Venne 5’11″ said.

“My legs are long, which makes it possible for me to walk fast, which is really convenient when I have to get from class to class, especially if I have to go to or come from the boarding hall,” Emmie Barnard 5’10″ said.

Ferryn Drake could ride Superman at Six Flags starting at the age of six. To put that in perspective, I, standing at 5’2″ now, couldn’t even ride Space Mountain until I was eight.

“People literally look up to me,” Drake said.