The bright future of our theater seniors

Sara Guttierrez '23

Seniors in the cast and crew of “Little Shop of Horrors” made the most of their last FSH production by cherishing the time they had left together. Left to right: Sara Green ‘23, Siena Urquiza ‘23, Sara Gutierrez ‘23, Mia Murillo ‘23 and Ava King ‘23.

On the closing night of FSH’s spring production of “Little Shop of Horrors”, as the seniors read their farewell speeches, a sense of community pervaded the theater. For many in the cast and crew, this day marked the end of their high school theater career, but certainly not the end of their time in theater. As they head upstage and upwards, we know our theater seniors are prepared to flourish wherever they may go.

Those who have participated in theater know what a formative and impactful experience it can be. Theater offers so much, teaching participants and viewers alike not just about the world they live in but also about themselves. For some, their time in theater has inspired their ambitions and represents their dreams.

Some knew as early as freshman year that their time in theater would not end with FSH. Others reflect that their decision to pursue theater and theater-related crafts in college was a gradual process and the support they received from faculty was integral to their choice.

“The support of Miss Mac and Johnny encouraging me and telling me that I was really good at what I was doing, made me take the risk … to pursue this in the future,” Sara Gutierrez ‘23 said.

On the Hill, theater students are able to step into theater confidently or expand upon previous knowledge, and after four years of experience, the seniors are ready to take on college. Of course, some apprehension is to be expected, but seniors rest assured knowing their background has prepared them for what’s to come.  Ava King ‘23 will be attending Denison University in the fall. 

“It’s a little intimidating, college is a bigger environment, so there’s more competition for everything. But ultimately, I’m really excited about the theater community at Denison and it reminds me a lot of the community at FSHA,” King said.

With the curtain about close on their high school careers, these seniors look back on their experiences with fondness. Theater is cherished by many not just because of the productions but also because of the bonds that are made along the way. Unfortunately, for those graduating from FSH theater, this makes leaving the community behind all the more difficult.

“[Theater] helped me make a lot of friends, most of my friends came through theater. I was a really shy person before, but I feel like FSHA Theater helped me open up a lot and make connections with people,” Mia Murillo ‘23 said.

Beyond fostering friendships, theater has played a considerable role in the seniors’ lives, encouraging them to learn and grow.

“I’ve learned so much about life, the arts and theater, and everything as a whole,” said Gutierrez.

With the support they’ve received, the friendships they’ve formed, and the transformation they’ve experienced, it’s no wonder these seniors will pursue theater and continue to treasure the activity that has meant so much to them.

“Having people around you who are incredibly dedicated to what they’re doing, but who also care so deeply about you, that’s something that I wanted to talk about in my senior speech. I have never felt so deeply loved, as I have in theater at FSHA,” King said.

Theater on the Hill manifests itself in many different ways: an outlet, a safe haven, and a community. Indeed, Ms. Jane McEneaney’s motto “Ubuntu”, meaning “I am because we are,” rings true. As the theater seniors pursue future endeavors, we hope they will keep those words in mind – we certainly will!