Residential life prepares seniors for college
Residential life students pose during a retreat where they signed the book of names that includes res life students who started living at FSH in 1931.
A roommate who never stops snoring. Having to wear sandals into the shower. Never being able to enjoy alone time. Stepping all over clothes and trash because your roommate never cleans up after herself. Communal bathrooms. Not having your parents to do the laundry. Downsizing from a queen-bed to a twin XL. Not much closet space. A roommate with a live-in boyfriend. No air conditioning.
There are many things to be apprehensive about when moving into college dorms freshman year, but FSH’s residential life students are more prepared than the average incoming college student. Because they’ve had a four-year head start on everyone else, they are ahead of the game.
“[College] will be challenging at first but not as bad as it would have been if I hadn’t already moved away from my family. After a while, you grow used to [living away from home] and begin to enjoy the swing of it,” Katie Wilson ‘22 said.
During the course of their residential experience at FSH, seniors have appreciated the opportunity to learn how to balance the schedules of their roommates.
“Living with roommates has taught me communication and mutual respect because you’re spending 24 hours with them, and you guys can have different shower schedules, sleeping schedules and people have different commitments,” Emilie Zhang ‘22 said. “Two of my roommates were on academic decathlon during my sophomore year, so they had to get up an hour earlier than I did. To be considerate of her schedule, we’d try to turn off the lights at 10:30 p.m. so she could sleep.”
Living away from home has also equipped these seniors with valuable self-management and organizational skills.
“I’ve established a good weekly laundry schedule for myself, and I’m used to doing my own dishes and having a study hour. Because I know how to organize my schedule, I feel ready to live on my own and also foster a nice community wherever I go,” Wilson said.
Seniors have made many priceless memories while living here on the Hill that they will look back on later in life.
“Living at FSH is like one big sleepover in the dorms,” Sydney Stipe ‘22 said. “We have such a close sisterhood, and while I’m sad to be graduating this year because I’ll miss everyone so much, I’m also looking forward to college.”
Being a residential student has accustomed these Tologs to life away from home. Some challenges, however, may await them beyond FSH.
In the boarding hall, Wilson said, “We have people come in and vacuum our rooms, which is different from at home, where I’d probably clean my own room.”
College may be different from this, too.

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