Golf welcomes influx of new players

Jessie Mysza '22

Willa Chandler ‘24 (above) and her teammates are hoping the team improves with the addition of so many new players.

In a matter of two years, the Flintridge Sacred Heart golf team has gone from eight to 18 players. New players have many reasons for joining, and as a result, golf on the Hill has the chance to improve. 

Mia Murillo ‘23 joined the golf team this season. She prepared for the season by playing with her brother and dad for a few months. 

“During Covid, I didn’t do much to be a part of the school community, and because of that, I wanted to join and see how it went so I could be part of something,” Murillo said.

The drastic change in participants both surprised and excited the returning players when they held their first practice. 

“There’s barely anyone that plays golf, so when new players arrive, experienced players love to have them on the team, even if they have never played,” Julia Kinsel ‘22 said.

With new additions to the team, more Tologs now have the chance to compete.

“It’s normally just a few girls that actually decide to play golf, until this year. I told some of my friends and other people also told their friends, so I guess it sparked a lot of interest [in FSH’s golf team],” Lauren Larson ‘24 said.

The biggest change that the new players have brought to the team is a sense of optimism and excitement. 

“It’s interesting. Only the top six golfers of that week play, so there’s competition within the team, and I like to see how the players change from week to week. You probably wouldn’t see much of this when they had such few players before,” Murillo said.

Golf isn’t just about competition. Trying something new can be a way to grow as a person.

“People don’t think of joining because it’s not one of the more popular sports, but what they don’t realize is that it shows dedication and individuality. It’s also a way to make new friends and push yourself out of your comfort zone,” Murillo said.