Though the recent fires are finally under control, Los Angeles continues to be in a state of transition. While many Angelenos are questioning how they will rebuild their old lives, in the Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy residential hall a handful of students are trying to build new lives here on campus. They are the latest additions to the FSHA student body. A smattering of exchange and transfer students from Brazil and China, they began their first week at FSHA with an evacuation.
“It [was] really different from my expectations of my brand new school life,” said Yuhan “Ricardo” Zhang ‘27, “I was really excited… [for] this new school life, but the [evacuation] notice turned my emotion into fear.”
For many of the recently arrived residents, the evacuation also intensified the difficulty of acclimating to life away from home.
“It was weird for me,” shared Gabriela Nunes ‘28, who evacuated after spending just one night in her room in the boarding hall. “I came alone. I’ve never been alone, like, I’ve never been in another country alone.”
Others found the challenges of starting at a new school exacerbated by having to flee the residential hall.
“I was looking forward to getting to know my schedule well,” explained Yimi “Alora” Huang ‘26, “but I ended up dealing with the emergency situation.”
Despite the uncomfortable orientation to boarding at FSHA, some found a silver lining.
“I was never scared because here everybody makes you feel safe,” commented Nunes.
Now back in their dorms, they are ready to put the fires behind them and focus on adjusting to their new school.
“I’m part of a caring community here at FSHA,” said Huang, “and I’m excited about starting my journey at FSHA.”