Pricey parking
Three Tologs, including Cassie Huston ‘23 (above), have personalized plaques that mark their parking spots in Senior Lot.
For the 2021-22 school year, parking space numbers two, 10 and 11 belong to Remi Hayashi ‘22, Sophia Ospina ‘22 and Cassie Huston ‘23, respectively. These three lucky Tologs — along with their luckier carpools — get to drive to school and park in the prestigious senior lot, where no stairs have to be climbed and the shade is always waiting.
Every year, Flintridge Sacred Heart holds an auction called the Gala to raise money for the school. One of the most popular items the school auctions off is the right to a reserved parking space in a desirable location. The three Tologs who have the spaces now either didn’t know how much their parents paid or declined to report how much their parents paid on the record. (The other way to get a parking spot in senior lot is to hope to be picked at random from a lottery.)
“I am not sure how much my parents paid for the parking spot, but I know that they believed it was a great way to give back to the school for what they’ve done for me and my two older sisters,” Hayashi said.
Each Tolog family had their own reasons for participating in the auction.
“My family got the spot for me as a birthday gift, and I think they were glad that they could make my senior year a little more special. Plus, I definitely think it was worth it since it’s an easy spot to park in, and it’s in the shade, so at the end of the day the interior of my car isn’t too hot,” Ospina said.
Not only do Hayashi and Ospina enjoy the perks of the spot, so do their carpools. Huston, however, drives alone.
“I can’t drive others since I haven’t had my license for a year, and I love being early to school, so it was easier if I just carpooled myself. Especially with sports, it’s nice to not have to worry if I’m going to have a ride home or not,” Huston said.
Along with the benefits of the spots, the girls also get personalized plaques in front of their spaces.
“[The plaque] doesn’t make me uncomfortable whatsoever. I honestly love it, and it makes me feel special, too,” Ospina said.
Unlike Ospina embracing the plaque, Huston feels a little discomfort.
“It is kind of weird having my name on display for everyone to see. I do get a little fidgety when people ask how I got the spot because it is strange knowing my parents had to outbid people for it,” Huston said.
To Hayashi, her plaque represents her family’s desire to support the school.
“I do feel a little uncomfortable with people [thinking about] much we paid because all they tend to see is the number rather than my parents wanting to support the FSHA community,” Hayashi said.
For each of the three girls, having a reserved parking spot means getting to live out their long-awaited dreams of parking in senior lot.
“Since I was a freshman, I always imagined and hoped that I would park in the senior lot, as the seniors from my soccer team had when carpooling me, so it was nice to ensure that spot for my last year on the Hill,” Ospina said.

Caitlin Cruz is the editor-in-chief. She started freelance writing for the Shield her freshman year, became a staff writer her sophomore year and moved...